Thursday, March 18, 2010

Coming up for air...

Pressure and fatigue can seem endless at times and we all need that little break to relieve that pressure. Even riding my bike, which I love, can be a pain at times..just trying to get ready and get out there. Yesterday when I got home from work my daughters had our dog Dusty on the leash and wanted to go to the park. When they asked me if I wanted to go, my first inclination was to say no because I was so tired from my work day. Instead of heading in to relax, I said that I would go with them. Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days we have had in a very long time. It was around 6pm and the temperatures were in the high sixties and the late afternoon shadows made the greens, greener and the blues, bluer. Off to the park we went and had a really nice stroll with our dog. I'm very glad that I went with them. I'm not much of a photograper...but I liked these that I took from yesterday.


  1. That's my favourite post!
    Your daughters are sooo pretty and you seem so mellow out there.
    The light this time of day at the baseball park is amazing.
    I'm so glad you decided to go with them!
    Thanks John for sharing.

  2. Lovely pictures!!! Gorgeous girls! 8)
